University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2004-2007

I graduated from UKZN in Durban in 2006 with a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree summa cum laude, with a triple major in Philosophy, English and Culture, Communication & Media Studies (CCMS). In 2007 I received a Bachelor of Arts Honours in English, also summa cum laude. My English subjects here were Creative Writing, Critical Theory and Modern & Postmodern Literature and I did a philosophy minor in Cognitive Science reading Freud and Daniel Dennett.

My English Honours creative writing portfolio was entitled 11 Snapshots: An Exploration of Flash Fiction and Prose Poetry, written under the mentorship of South African writer Professor Michael Cawood Green. Links below to some of my pieces.

  • Chicken Stew (also published in Australian online literary magazine Framelines, Edition #7.
  • Broken (also published in American Literary Magazine The Laundry Room, edited by Katie Kowalski).
  • You Died that Day (also published in American Literary Magazine The Laundry Room and in Moolman, K. (ed) Fidelities XIV – A Selection of Contemporary South African Poetry.)
  • Waiting for the Bus (also published in American Literary Magazine The Laundry Room, edited by Katie Kowalski).